Andrew and Kayti Ciccolini lost their two years old son Ethan last April. Andrew plays for the Colorado Springs Grizzlies, and the rugby community is coming together to support and raise money for their charity KDR Colorado. The Grizzlies are holding a touch tournament at Flanagan Park in Colorado Springs, in which all players, OBs, and WHAGS are welcome to join; I believe CS has a WHAGS team that is playing in this as well. There is a $10 per player donation, there will be food trucks, and their sponsor brewery, Storybook Brewing, will also be donating $1 per pint purchased that day. They do not have a schedule out yet for the day yet but plan to mid-week. We will plan on meeting at the King Sooper’s off of Hampden and I-25 to do a carpool as we typically do for Springs games.
Weekly social half field summer 7s